When going on hammock camping, there are many essential items that you need to carry for a great experience. One of them is a good sleeping bag for your hammock. Especially when the temperature falls to 40 degrees F or below. Zipping yourself up in a sleeping bag will keep you comfortable and warm. The sleeping bags for hammocks have a higher standard than the conventional sleeping bags. They are more durable and provide added insulation and protection. But shopping for a good hammock sleeping bag is not an easy task. There are so many brands to choose from. They come in different shapes and styles. You have atleast hundreds of brands, if not thousands, to choose from in the market. Here are some bags with Hammock sleeping bag review.
How to choose a suitable sleeping bag for your hammock
Other than the price, you must make the following considerations before picking the best and most suitable sleeping bag for yourself:-
The first and most important consideration that you must make is the comfort provided by the sleeping bag. Sleeping bags for hammocks come in three different shapes. You must pick the one that suits your comfort the most:-
1.Quilt/ Rectangular Bags: If you change sides frequently while sleeping, a quilt/ rectangular sleeping bag is ideal for you. It is also the right pick for claustrophobic people or people with broad shoulders. They come without a zipping system and a hood. They have a larger area than the other two types.
2.Mummy Bags: Mummy bags are tight-fitting and have a slim cut. As a result, it traps your body heat within itself to give you great warmth. You can get a mummy bag with or without a hood, based on your preference. They also feature zippers.
1.Semi-Rectangular Bags: Semi-rectangular bags come with varying levels of warmth and comfort. You can choose one of them based on your preference.
Before picking a suitable sleeping bag, you must consider the protection it provides you from the elements. You must pick the ones that provide proper resistance to rain and moisture. You can get a sleeping bag that is made of a windproof material as well.
When shopping for a sleeping bag, you must look for maximum durability. A sleeping bag that is made of polyester or hard-wearing nylon is recommended. That way you get proper protection from the elements. Moisture may compromise the metal zipper of your sleeping bag and render it useless. You must ensure that the fasteners and zippers of the sleeping bag are highly durable as well.
4.Temperature rating
The temperature rating of a sleeping bag is another important consideration to make before buying one. It determines the lowest temperature down to which it can keep you warm. Choosing one with a temperature rating upto 10F below than the temperature you will be camping in is recommended.
The weight of a sleeping bag is an important consideration to make before you buy it. A bulky sleeping bag is not a suitable choice at all for a hammock. Ultralight or lightweight bags weighing below 3 lbs are an ideal choice for a hammock.
6.Weight to warmth ratio
Weight to warmth ratio of a sleeping bag is the evaluation of how effective its insulation is in relation to the weather the environment and the weather conditions. You must choose a sleeping bag which suits the weather and environment which you would be camping in.
7.Insulation Fill
The insulation factor of a sleeping bag is a decisive factor in the effectiveness of its insulation. Choose your sleeping bag with a proper insulation fill that suits the weather conditions you will be camping in. You can get the following types of insulation fills in a sleeping bag:-
1.Synthetic: Synthetic fill is an ideal choice for car campers as it is heavier than other materials. They are also better at retaining heat after getting wet than down bags.
2.Down: Down fill has the most effective insulation among all the types of insulation fills. Also, they are more durable as compared to synthetic ones. They also have fantastic compressing abilities. Down fill is the best choice for backpackers who prefer to travel lightweight.
3.Hydrophobic Down: Hydrophobic down is made by treating down insulation with hydrophobics. Hydrophobic down dries very quickly as compared to untreated down insulation.
8.Warmth Retention
A very important factor to decide whether a sleeping bag is suitable for you is its warmth retention. It should be able to retain the body heat of the user inside it. Also, it should be able to prevent cold from penetrating it.
Best Hammock Sleeping Bags available in 2020 with Hammock sleeping bag review.
With so many brands in the market, it is a formidable task to shop for a suitable sleeping bag. But you have no need to worry. Here is a list of the best ones that you can buy for using in a hammock:-
1.Outdoor Vitals Atlas Sleeping Bag
Best Sleeping Bags
Outdoor Vitals Atlas Sleeping Bag
It is lightweight, compressible, and warm.
It has a very high weight-warmth ratio.
This sleeping bag comes with a lifetime warranty.
It is incredibly water-resistant.
It has a 20D poly fabric and the insulation pad.
The zippers are smooth as well as anti-snag.
It can keep the user warm down to a temperature of 30 degrees F.
The Alas sleeping bag from Outdoor Vitals comes with down fill. It provides you a warm and comfortable sleep even if your gear gets wet. The water completely drains out of the bag while the bag stays perfectly warm. You will find it to be skin-friendly as well. It is multi-functional and is useful for tent-users as well as those who use hammocks. The cover material is durable and the inside line is very cozy. Also you can wash it in a machine. Opening and closing the bag is very smooth all the time. It is ideal multi-purpose sleeping bag.
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2.Outdoor Vitals Aerie Down Underquilt/ Sleeping Bag
Best Sleeping Bags
Outdoor Vitals Aerie Down Underquilt/ Sleeping Bag
It is the most versatile sleeping bag that is available.
It can be used as an underquilt, hammock pod system, blanket, as well as a sleeping bag.
What’s more incredible is its light weight. It weighs only 2.11 lbs.
The weight-warmth ratio is satisfactory.
It is perfect for backpackers due to being lightweight.
The Outdoor Vitals Aerie has an incredible temperature rating of 5 degrees F. It is very skin-friendly as well. It allows very easy setting up with hammock and has an incredible compressibility. It would take very little space in your backpack. Also, it is best suited for all the four seasons. This wonderful product comes with a limited lifetime warranty.
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3.Bessport Mummy Sleeping Bag
Best Sleeping Bags
Bessport Mummy Sleeping Bag
It has a water-repellant outer fabric that can completely withstand rains.
Its 210T ripstop polyester shell fabric provides you with great protection against the elements.
The interior is also very skin-friendly.
The polyester taffeta in this bag ensures its prolonged life.
It also features anti-snag sliders and durable SBS zippers.
It has a superb heat retention technology.
The weight-warmth ratio is good.
The mummy bag from Bessport is compatible to a hammock. It can also protect you from adverse conditions at all times. It comes with a sack. That makes it easier for you to organise your essential items and gives you additional storage. It is an ideal sleeping bag throughout the year for most adult users. This bag provides the user warmth all through the night in cold weather. It also features a drawstring hood that keeps the warm air locked inside and keeps cold air from penetrating inside
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4.Hyke & Byke Antero Sleeping Bag
Best Sleeping Bags
Hyke & Byke Antero Sleeping Bag
It can be used as a top quilt as well as under quilt.
This bag has an incredible down fill power of 800, and is designed to fit perfectly to hammocks.
It is made 4 inches wider so that the user gets plenty of space for sleeping and is ultralight weight.
The weight-warmth ratio is good. It keeps the user warm down to 15F.
The Hyke & Byke Antero is an all-season sleeping bag. That makes it ideal for backpackers. This product gives you the combined benefits of a rectangular and a mummy style bag. It features a ClusterLoft base which prolongs its durability to a great extent and also adds to moisture resistance. It is skin-friendly as well. The user can use it with a hammock as well as use it as a ground sheet to sleep in a tent. Any unwanted damage to the material of this bag is prevented by the snag-resistant sliders featured in it. And in case the user is broad shouldered, this bag has extra width in the shoulders. This product ensures ample space to move around for every user.
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5.One Tigris Light Patrol Down Sleeping Bag
Best Sleeping Bags
One Tigris Light Patrol Down Sleeping Bag
It is of the mummy style.
It has superb compressibility.
It comes with a duck down fill.
Its loft is very fluffy and breathable.
It keeps the user warm at temperatures down to 20 degrees F.
The Light Patrol manufactured by One Tigris features handy pockets and zippers that are durable. The user can easily fit it into a small space in a sack. You will also find it to be very skin-friendly. This bag can keep the user warm down to 20 degrees F. The weight-warmth ratio is quite good. This bag is more suitable for car campers than backpacking hammock campers due to being considerably heavyweight.
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6.Teton Sports Firefly Underquilt/ Sleeping Bag
Best Sleeping Bags
Teton Sports Firefly Underquilt/ Sleeping Bag
It is very practical and lightweight.
It provides ample warmth to the user.
This sleeping bag is compatible most of the standard hammocks.
Its light weight makes it a viable option to backpacking hammock campers who prefer to travel light.
The weight-warmth ratio that it has is satisfactory.
The Teton Sports Firefly is a good option for backpackers. It comes with everything the user needs to get started. The user can very easily stuff the item in a bag without taking up much space. Also, it is very skin-friendly. Moreover, it is a very budget-friendly product and has got good reviews and feedbacks.
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7.Coleman North Rim Sleeping Bag
Best Sleeping Bags
Coleman North Rim Sleeping Bag
It keeps the user warm at temperatures down to 0 degree F.
This bag is very comfortable and is suitable for all four seasons.
It can fit users up to a height of 6ft 2in.
It is also efficient in trapping the body heat of the user inside it.
The North Rim bag from Coleman comes with a warranty period of 5 years.
The North Rim from Coleman is of the quilt type. That means it is more suitable to be used in lower temperatures than the previous bags in the list. That makes it a viable option for tall users. The product is designed in such a way that it gives the user ample space to move inside it. The weight-warmth ratio is quite good. Also, it is very skin-friendly. It features a bottom zipper to provide ventilation to the user on warm nights. Though it is more suitable to car campers than backpackers due to its weight.
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8.Alps Mountaineering Blaze Sleeping Bag
Best Sleeping Bags
Alps Mountaineering Blaze Sleeping Bag
It comes with a single-hole synthetic fibre fill.
It is capable of keeping the user warm at temperatures down to 0 degree F.
Its shell dries quickly and is non-allergenic since it is made of high quality ripstop polyester.
It is completely skin-friendly.
It also features high quality drawstrings and zippers.
The Blaze from Alps Mountaineering is a sleeping bag of the mummy type. The lining is made of soft polyester that would feel great against the user’s skin. Also, the weight-warmth ratio is good. It provides ample space for the user to move. Moreover, this bag is budget friendly as well. Though it is more suitable for car campers due to its weight.
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9.Outdoor Vitals LoftTek Sleeping Bag
Best Sleeping Bags
Outdoor Vitals LoftTek Sleeping Bag
It features a superb construction, the outer surface being of ripstop polyester 20D/ 400T fabric.
The interior surface of top quilt keeps the user warm down to temperatures below 30 degrees F.
It is compatible with all types of hammocks as well as with sleeping pads.
It is machine washable and has an incredible durability.
The LoftTek from Outdoor is a sleeping bag of the mummy design. Also, the weight-warmth ratio is excellent. It is totally skin-friendly. Complete water-proofing makes it very difficult to tear. It is very lightweight and hence is suitable for backpacking hammock campers. This bag can completely enclose the user due to its oversized grid baffle design. Though it does not feature zippers. You can get this product at a very affordable price.
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10.Winner Outfitters Mummy Sleeping Bag
Best Sleeping Bags
Winner Outfitters Mummy Sleeping Bag
This top quilt is designed with the aim to provide the aim maximum comfort and warmth.
This bag has comes with synthetic fill. It provide its user warmth down to temperatures below 40 degrees F.
The exterior surface is made of soft 350T ripstop high quality polyester.
It weighs 3 pounds and and has dimensions 9.8 x 8.5 x 8.5 inches.
Moreover, it is very affordable and comes with a limited 5-year warranty period.
The mummy design bag from Winner Outfitters is 87 inches long and 33 inches wide. It is suitable for hammock camping throughout almost all the four seasons. Also, it has a superb weight-warmth ratio. Though bags of down fill have better performance as compared to this product. The interior is very warm and comfortable. It is completely skin-friendly. It is water proof and provides resistance to moisture. The box-shaped design of this bag provides for ease of movement in the lower half. The double zip, adjustable string, and hood featured in it enhance the performance of this product. This product is washable in machine and also dries quickly. It is very convenient for carrying due to being lightweight. That makes it suitable for backpacking hammock campers. It is available in several color combinations.
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11.Redcamp Mummy Sleeping Bag
Best Sleeping Bags
Redcamp Mummy Sleeping Bag
It even has enough space for your pillow and personal items. Also, it is very sturdy.
The two-way zipper featured in this product comes with a zipper guard.
Another great feature is that you can attach it with other sleeping bags from Redcamp.
It is capable of keeping you warm at temperatures as low as 5 degrees F.
It comes with a soft cotton filling.
The Redcamp mummy comes with an in-built hood and has ample space inside it. It has been designed with your comfort and convenience in mind. The weight-warmth ratio it has is great. Its durable exterior is made from 210T ripstop polyester. With the Redcamp sleeping bag you can get cozy after a long hard day in wilderness. Though it is not recommended for you if you are claustrophobic.
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There is a wide range of sleeping bags you can find in the market. However, the ones mentioned in the list are the best ones you can get in 2020. Some of them are compatible to all types of hammocks. You can choose any of them based on your preferences about the weight, compatibility, and performance of the product. Plus, all of them are totally skin-friendly. You will surely be satisfied with them. All of them have good reviews and feedbacks.
1.Do you need a sleeping bag with an Underquilt?
Yes. Zipping yourself up in a sleeping bag will keep you comfortable and warm. The sleeping bags for hammocks have a higher standard than the conventional ones. They are more durable and provide added insulation and protection.
2.Is sleeping in a hammock bad for back?
Not at all. The materials that hammocks are made of are breathable and soft. In fact, you will fall asleep faster in a hammock. Sleeping in hammocks can actually be a cure for insomnia.
3.Which is the best hammock sleeping bag?
Among the ones mentioned in the list, the Outdoor Vitals LoftTek is the best one. It gives the user a great performance at such an affordable price. Outdoor Vitals is known for providing high performance at affordable prices.